Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Macbeth and Macduff free essay sample

Macbeth explains that Lady Macbeth hates her weak self. â€Å"Make thick me blood. † (1:5:44). Lady Macbeth wants to feel no emotion; she wants to stop being a woman and become a more dominant factor. In this case she wants to become a man. Shakespeare supports his explanation by asking Lady Macbeth ask the spirits to change her, â€Å"Come to my woman’s breast/ and take y milk for gall. (1:5:48-49), she doesn’t want what she has because it is of no longer use to her â€Å"gall†. The author’s purpose it to inform that Lady Macbeth is the true killer and is using Macbeth as a puppet. The author writes in a dominant tone to show Lady Macbeth’s feeling toward change. First, Shakespeare portrays an ominous image in Lady Macbeth’s soliloquy, â€Å"The raven himself is hoarse. †(1:5:37-38). She talks of the future death of the king. The Raven being the messenger who announces death. We will write a custom essay sample on Macbeth and Macduff or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The cacophonous word â€Å"hoarse† portrays the raven’s speech and harsh tone of voice. Then, there is a tip in the balance of the hegemonic structure in the play. â€Å"That my keen knife see not the wound it makes. †(1:5:51). Lady Macbeth knows hat she is not supposed to have a â€Å"keen knife†, perhaps not a knife at all. A woman, in her right place, should not be keen. She must submit and let her husband have all the control. Where as Lady Macbeth wants to be the one with all the power. The cacophonous diction that Shakespeare uses for the Lady Macbeth. That tend on mortal Ruiz2 thoughts† (1:5:40). Lady Macbeths uses the harsh â€Å"t† expresses her self loathing toward her self and her weakness. â€Å"Nor keep peace between† (1:5:45). There is an eerie â€Å"e† sound portrayed in this line. Shakespeare’s Macbeth portrays the dominance women have. The dominance and the plan that Lady Macbeth has over her own husband. She uses this power to her advantage. Throughout the play Shakespeare reveals through more images of Lady Macbeth’s dominant power.

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