Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Creative Writing My Dream World - 818 Words

EDUCATION ACT 2050 FEMALES ARE PROHIBITED A FORMAL EDUCATION. As I run, my feet kiss the soil and the wind caresses my skin and hair. My body is a raging fire; my lungs are suffocating and my muscles feel as though they are melting, like ice cream on a sunny day. However, with each step I progress towards the river. The pain is forgotten and like a machine, I steadily place one foot in front of the other – thump, thump, thump. I am a bird: free, independent and powerful. Finally I reach the endless expanse of water, tinged with hues of blue, pink and orange – a mirror for the effervescent sky. My mother used to tell me that learning was like running. It is a journey towards the beautiful, ever-changing sea of knowledge. At times it is wearisome but in the long run, you progress: intellectually, morally, and physically. â€Å"Each drop of knowledge you obtain is more valuable than gemstones,† she told me as we were preparing Kabuli pulao for my youngest brother’s first day at school. Education is the key that freed my mother from the cage of child marriage, and allowed her to free others too. She was a teacher of Rokhshana Girls School in our hometown, Kabul. Teaching was her passion; even at home, she would chirp about literature and mathematics. Often, she complained about families forcing their daughters to leave school. Sometimes she would drown in a pool of depression, knowing that opportunities were being slashed, lifetimes were halved, and the very act of living was toShow MoreRelatedWhy I Am a Writer and an Artist837 Words   |  3 Pagesand art can have on the world, along with what an education can really be. In my high school Gifted Education class we discussed ethics, science, politics, human identity, paradigms, and their problems. We eagerly debated solutions to these issues, bouncing ideas off each other and building on the ones that stuck. 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It is not as simple as the inability to continue writing a story or a painting, but it is about being unable to produce something, whether it be creative or not. This term is not isolated to writers specifically, this creative block applies to all those who practice the art — artists, composers, poet, choreographers. In this essay, I shall explain a few relatively common causesRead MoreWhen I Was In Middle School, My Ambition Was To Become1330 Words   |  6 Pagesmiddle school, my ambition was to become a renowned author, like J. K. Rowling. Since that time, my academic focus has changed but my interest in story crafting and written reflection remains a part of my life. Creative fiction is where most of my writing ambitions lie. I enjoy the process of building fictitious world, characters, and scenarios, although, unfortunately, I have not yet found a story I am passionate enough about to turn into a long-term project. In high school and my first semesterRead MoreDescriptive Essay - Original Writing1262 Words   |  6 Pagessame pen that I had just recently moments ago put down in frustration. I go in for another attempt to write and build up a large assortment of words. As a few seconds pass, with the pen firmly gripped in my right hand, the pen and paper come together. Disregarding my momentary lapse of a creative flow, I stare down at the endless rows of horizontal blue lines. Memories surface of myself being in this situation many times over, especially being creatively stuck before I break through. Finally, contactRead MoreThe Ideas Of Reading And Writing1430 Words   |  6 PagesThe ideas of reading and writing seem intertwined, in order to do one of them you must be able to do the other. Which, makes both equally a s powerful as the other in language and literature. Most authors who talk about the ideology of reading and writing compose their works mainly based off of outside sources, mainly. However, author/comic writer Alison Bechdel composes a story about writing the story and the troubles and hardships she encountered while writing. This oddly more intricate story thoughRead MoreThe Ideas Of Reading And Writing1434 Words   |  6 PagesEssay The ideas of reading and writing seem intertwined, in order to do one of them you must be able to do the other. Which, makes both equally as powerful as the other in language and literature. Most authors who talk about the ideology of reading and writing, compose their works mainly based off of outside sources, mainly. However, author/comic writer Alison Bechdel composes a story about writing the story and the troubles and hardships she encountered while writing. This oddly more intricate storyRead MoreReflection Of Creative Writing1627 Words   |  7 Pagesdiscuss my classmates’ writing. Having a mix of large and small group discussions have allowed me not only to help others improve their writing, but to learn about different writing styles and techniques. Throughout the course, I have worked closely with Cory Robinson, a senior at Sacred Heart University, studying English/Pre-Law with multiple minors, including Creative Writing. In an interview with Robinson, I have learn ed about how he gained an interest in writing, what he enjoys writing, and ultimatelyRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie The Devil Wears Prada 1660 Words   |  7 Pageswould fulfill my dream job of working in fashion public relations. Introduction The movie â€Å"The Devil Wears Prada†, introduced me to the life I am destined to be apart of. It is a very popular story that many females from 8 years old to way over 50 have immersed their hopes and dreams for the chance to be part of such a world in which the main character resides. The main character does not possesses the dream role in which the story entails, but she represents the path towards a dream job that manyRead MoreThe Symbolic Language of Dreams841 Words   |  3 Pagesreading The Symbolic Language of Dreams, written by Stephens King, a very interesting story to write about. King stated a quote in his introduction saying that dreams are a useful way that help people find the nature of their problems; or, find answers to their problems in a symbolic way. The purpose of this essay is to show that dreams and imaginations were two main factors in King s successful life. Hence, dreams and imaginations are critical factors when writing; they sure can resolve many issues

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